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Photo Galleries: Ramadan: March/April 2024

Syria, Kenya, Gambia, Bangladesh, India, Rohingya

Rohingya Ramadan Distribution April 2024

India Ramadan Distribution April 2024

Bangladesh Ramadan Distribution April 2024

Gambia Photo Gallery Sadaqatul Fitr April 2024

Kenya Photo Gallery Ramadan distribution April 2024

Syria Ramadan Distribution March 2024

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Kenya Food Distribution

Kenya Food Appeal

There is a severe shortage of food in the East African country of Kenya. This year has been one of drought and hunger, following two previous years of disappointing rain. This has caused crop failure which in turn has caused the death of much livestock. Over 2 million people in Kenya are in desperate need of food, while thousands have been suffering from acute, malnutrition since July 2021. Each food pack costs £30.

  • £ 0.00
SKU: rmf01-3-2 Categories: , , , ,


Caravan of Mercy have pledged to send humanitarian aid, in this time of need. Infrastructure is in place to feed some of the needy, and all that is needed now, are donations from the public in order to fund the buying, and distribution of food. We need your help, we need your donations. Kenya needs our support. Donate a food pack for just £30. Your kindness, will no doubt, save lives. Donate, now!