99 Names of Allah Masjid Project

A Hadith states that: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, be it large or small, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Tirmidhî]
We have financed a construction which has been given the name Masjid Ar Rahman and is the first of 99 planned constructions to celebrate the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah SWT. We are henceforth inviting anyone and everyone to donate their Lillah from just £2 & upwards, towards this ’99 Names of Allah Masajid’ project.

Take part in this simple but virtuous project and earn continuous rewards until the day of Judgement.

  • £ 0.00


In 2022, Caravan of Mercy constructed 6 mosques in West Bengal, India and 6 in Liberia, West Africa.
Alhamdulliah, a Masjid was financed by a UK donor and this construction was completed, just in time for Ramadan 1444.