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The Caravan in Syria

Our volunteers are now in Syria (as of 7th January 2014) preparing to carry out the the food parcel and winter blanket distribution.
….‘with people surviving on a meal a day, if they’re lucky. Some of the places we went to had meat for the first time in over three months. Now let’s try reflecting this onto ourselves. We complain even when we have three meals every day. It’s our duty to help our Muslim brothers and sisters as soon as possible.”

….“The worst feeling is when, after so much distribution, the food would run out, yet people would still be queuing up waiting, almost begging for a bit of food so that they can feed their families.”
“After going on my first ever trip in 2006, my eyes opened up to on how lucky we really are.
Straight after my first trip, I made a firm intention to do as much as I can to help people all around the world Insha’Allah (God willing).”

Extracted from the official caravan of Mercy Blog
To view the whole article, please click here.